I understand that in some overseas countries women don't shave their legs, arm pitts etc. Isn't it disgusting to have hairy legs? It's not at all attractive not to mention sexy goes out the door. Yes, I understand that possibly some gay men may shave their legs but I even think that that picture doesnt even look right.Men look sexy with hair on their legs,arms and chest so long it's not so much like a jungle and even then some women also find that sexy, but hair on a woman's legs or arm pitts is just down right degrading to all of the female race. Women are soft and curvy, smooth to touch. Now that's what I call SEXY and I believe that the magority of my readers will agree by a land slide unless your the type that likes trashy trash ( ? ) . I'm I right or am I just being a manly pig myself????
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? yeah, but no, but yeah, but no, but yeah...
I work in the beauty industry so I know beauty.
women who are hairy in general is a turn off.
I once was at Whole Foods in Austin TX and when I was checking out, a really nice and pretty hippie girl with a mustache was my cashier. I was so enamored with her beauty and pleasant energy and despite her mustache and me being gay, i would have loved to have gazed into her eyes all day and tell her how beautiful she is.
and one other time my friend dragged me this puppy mill pet shop and the person in charge was this really fat person in a spandex top and bottom ( so it was obvious in her spandex bottom she was a girl...or he could have tucked it under...but why bother if you're not going to shave your FACE), wasn't sure if it was a girl or a guy, she/he/it had a full beard and was really creepy...I think it was a woman who had a really hairy face and had her hair pulled back in a ponytail. it was really gross.
so...it's all attitude....!!!
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? sexy or hot or beautfiul is in the eye of the beholder. it all depends on your perception of sexy....the people in other countires may like their women hairy (lol)...personally(i am straight, but i am making a point) i think women are prettier with shaved legs, etc, but if people have their own beliefs, then let them be
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? You're wrong, and a you're being a manly pig. A women should be allowed to do whatever she wants to her own body.
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? NO - shaved legs is something we've been taught is a "requirement" for a woman to be sexy... its generally accepted in our culture because a huge majority of the population has been taught to feel that way as well... it has nothing to do with how a woman actually looks with leg hair... its entirely about how you've been taught to look at them...
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? FOFL...... It is all about the *mind*...... you were raised to believe women should shave, so was I........ I hate it, it takes up to much of my time..... but, remember not all people were raised to shave and some do not have the means to shave....... take countries that water is just to precious to waste on such things as baths...... and as for men shaving ?? My uncle always has, he works for a mens suits store in Houston, and he can not wear the suit all day unless he does shave, it pulls and hurts......... God bless
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? Hm, I wouldn't know how to answer such a question with a "yes" or a "no", but I'll give my opinion. I couldn't go a day without shaving my legs without feeling disgusting, but that's because my society and culture has taught me this.
If you were raised in a society where it was A-OK for women to have hairy legs and not shave then you would think that is beautiful, too.
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? This is neither a yes or no question, though i did try.
In your opinion, you are correct. I do not that that makes you a pig. That is just your preference. Every one is entitled to their personal preferences. Some people do not care about bodily hair, some do not like it, some people are neutral about it. Your opinion should be respected.
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? its your own opinion so i dunno
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? Just a manly pig!
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? i agree i think its disgusting when women don't shave but i totally disagree as a female with your take on hair on guys...i think arm pit hair is personally disgusting and i wish more men WOULD shave it..i don't like it when guys shave their legs i get confused and chest hair is disgusting as well
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? Sorry . . . I guess I must be the the "type that likes trashy trash", because I enjoy women who are hairy as well as smooth.
But then again, I also like women who are not soft, curvy, and smooth to the touch- I enjoy butch women who are hard, lean, and who revel in, rather than be ashamed of, the hair on their body.
Quite frankly, I like it all- it's about what makes her feel sexy and beautiful. And if that happens to be smoothness or a big tangle of underarm hair, well, her confidence is sexy to me.
Please answer this question "YES" or "NO" for women an men...and if you have an added opinion(s).....? I think U need to remember that not all females in this world are made alike.
Many European women do not shave their legs or underarms, i.e. Germany.
They are beautiful and would kick your *** if you told them they were degrading too the female race,
I think you are a "Manly Pig. U need to spend some time on a farm and see who has the Ba**s.