Thursday, June 17, 2010

Do guys like...?

do guys like brown hair better than blonde and do guys think blonde hair is sexier that brown?

Do guys like...?

well whatever colours. I found out that guys like the colours of the woman hair that suits her. But depends on that guy. You have to ask that guy. Not all guys like blonde, brown or balck and so on... You have to ask that guy then only u know!

Do guys like...?

i think if they do its bullshit because a lot of blonde haired girls are "hos"

Do guys like...?

completely depends on the girl, different hair color for different situations

Do guys like...?

yes brown hair is awesome- go for the sexy librarian look not the big breasted blonde bimbo look..guys respect the first one AND still get turned on by it..if ur blonde dye ur hair

Do guys like...?

I like brown or just dark in general. Blonde hair can be sexy but it is not sexier.

Overall, dark brown, hands down!

Do guys like...?

I,as an experienced guy,dont care what the hair colour is,it dont mean blondes have more fun or vice versa.

Be yourself with what ever hair you have,and find some-one to love you for you.

Do guys like...?

Blonde hair may get the first glance but a friendly personality and presence keeps men around

Do guys like...?

neither both i would say, hair color sometimes turn people on but i would definitely say it the body figure that actually turn guys hot

Do guys like...?

I got a thing for girls with anything BUT blonde hair. A hot blonde girl just seems so generic these days. But I am usually drawn to redheads over brunette or brown hair. I don't know why.

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