Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I have seen a few bushes before, but lately its getting ridiculous! Men can't stand uncontrollable jungles. at least I can't, and there really is no point in wearing sexy underwear, if your hair is hanging out (barf)

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I agree with you 110%

I find it not just ugly but very unhygienic and disgusting.

It is a total turn off, reminds me of the 1970s porns that have all those hairy women in them that didn't even bother with under arms hair.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

My wife has no issue there. Get a tiny hedge trimmer and fix yourself. Be proactive man.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

LOL I agree*~

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

my lady does....but lead by example man, I'm sure your package is no prize either.....try cutting the grass on your side of the field

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I like a bush unless its ridiculous.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

haha, Lewis A, I like your answer!

Tell the ladies what your preference is, and maybe some will accomodate you!

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I agree. It's not sexy anymore.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I think it's completely gone crazy. A normal amount of hair should be fine. It seems now that everyone wants hairless. I am not hairy at all, but it's very difficult to keep that area completely smooth as the stubble grows back daily. Shaving is the least painful, but it leaves bumps and ingrown hairs. Waxing gives a good result, but it hurts like hell and is expensive. Do men REALLY prefer no hair at all? What do men do about their hair down there?

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

i agreeee

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

Does one truly want to enter the forest where there are no trees? Hair is there and its natural. Besides, don't we women have to shave enough areas already?

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

A man does need to shave. If I wanted to eat hair, I have plenty on my own head to accommodate me. NO DOUBLE STANDARDS! You want it clean, well so do we!

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

everyone should just keep a neat trim, male AND female. shaved or waxed... it just makes you look like a 9 year old. GROSS. there is supposed to be hair there, but that doesn't mean we all have to choke on it.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

a ridiculous bush? are talking about the president right?

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I do not like shaven vaginas. They expose too much of the "dark" side of the jungle.

Yeah, it's a jungle in there. Smells like one too. Did I tell you about my last safari there? Man, there was this..........

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I don't know why you want your women to look like a prebubescent little girl. Hair down there is natural and if you wash your @ss it shouldn't be stankin. Real men like real women. You just watch too many pornos and think thats what every woman should look like. I guess you like fake boobs too, huh?

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

I like pubic hair. I prefer it trimmed, but honestly, I'd rather see full-on, seventies porn bush than totally shaved. I like armpit hair too.

I think women's real bodies are sexy. I don't think they need artifice and artificiallity to make them so.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

Who said a man doesn't need to shave? You say that? Who makes you a damned authority on that? Go shave and keep it that way!

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

because it is difficult. regrowth happens pretty much the next day, when you shave, as well as bumps and ingrown hairs. not to mention the itching. waxing is downright painful, and you have to allow it to grow for a while before you can wax again.

do you shave yours? we find it much nicer if yours is trimmed or shaved as well you know.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

This question is really about cultural differences and doesn't belong in the Women's Studies section. I say this because it is only American's who are obcessed (to an unhealthy degree) with hair. The Europeans couldn't care less: they accept that hair is entirely natural. For this reason - obvious cultural differences - this 'question' belongs under "culture'.

If we look at the CONTEXT of this 'question', however, it DOES fit into this category in that is symptomatic of a deeper, underlying societal ill. This question is similar to countless others I have read posted here, there is a discernable pattern evident: they suggest that American women are 'damaged goods' and are almost invariably posted by men who have nothing better to do than whine. To me, you boys appear to have a very unrealistic sense of entitlement. You will find this will backfire on you as you grow older. Nobody 'owes' you anything.

Examples: American women are too hairy, they talk too much, they nag, they always need to get the last word in, they are stupid, they do this they do that this is why greedy they're bad they are evil with an agenda superficial feminists they are lazy why backstabbers greedy feminists evil they never evil nasty lazy never satisfied...

I think the clincher was from the other day "why are American women so insecure?"

The answer to the above question is that unfortunately too many women actually take stupid questions like this one seriously. Compare the ratio of questions posted by women whining about men to those posted my men whining about women: I would estimate that the former is approximately 10% to the latter 90%.


Get a life you pathetic losers.

As as for you, Mr. Hair question, if pubic hair on adult women intimidates you then you need to stay well clear of adult women. Stick to masturbation. Problem solved.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

Why do you equate "shaved" with "pretty?" Everyone has different aesthetic tastes.

My partner prefers a bit of fur. He also prefers hairly legs, but ... I just can't go THAT far, especially in summer.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

Nothing is hotter or more feminine than a beautiful hair triangle. Its natural and it tells the world you are a woman. Please dont shave.

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

took a break from hanging around schoolyards to ask this question, eh?

What's pretty about a sandpaper twat?

Why can't women keep down there shaved and pretty?

1. yes men have to shave

2. If you dont like it, then dont sleep with the woman,

contrary to popular belief, we are meant to have hair down there, and shaving it off to resemble pre-pubescent little girls is ridiculous.

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