I have been watching a child who is 5. My child is 3. She refuses to share with any children. Everything is a fight. She doens't look at me when I speak to her and refuses to follow household rules. She can't work on 2 "things" at the same time. For example, she can't chew with her mouth closed and share on the same day. There has been incidents of hitting the other children and the animals in my home. She has no concept of "stanger danger" %26amp; will talk to anyone. She attachs immediately to any adult she meets, but refuses to befriend children her age or younger. She doesn't like children younger than her, she says they are stupid and she is better than them. If they are older, she attaches right on and plays "sexy". She bats her eyes, tosses her hair and shakes her butt to get attention. She demands attention from everyone in the room. I am exhausted with her. It is a power struggle between her and my child. I feel that she needs some intervention. Am I being to hard?
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
I think that their might be a problem there.Perhaps she is trying to let out frustration or anger.I don't know if she has older siblings which of course can also explain why she's acting the way she is ( that is if they treat her the way she treats others).Kids imitate what they see in their homes.I would definitely talk to her parents about her behavior.If their loving parents they most likely take action %26amp; will be concerned for their daughter.I know I would be.Tantrums %26amp; fits of rage are pretty normal for kids even at this age BUT occasionally.Daily, well thats a different story.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
It sounds like this child has been abused, and I would consider not having her in your home if I were you. Children who have been abused tend to take it out on other children too. you may not be able to help this child as there are probably problems in her home, but you can protect your own child from a potentially negative influence.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
Sounds like the 5 year old does not get enough attention and nurturing at home. Also sounds like she has been around adults to much at inappropriate times with the playing sexy bit. This might be normal behavior for the child of a prostitute who is never around other children, only grown ups, whose world revolves around bein sexy.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
Wow, this sounds like a VERY NEEDY child. My guess is that she has been COMPLETELY neglected and ignored. Here are the reasons I think she has been neglected:
--She has not been trained to obey adults.
--She does not have basic training that most kids get.
--She is agressive, even to animals. [This could also point not just to neglect,but to abuse.]
--She does not have normal attachment. She should be reticent around strangers, then warm up gradually till she likes them and is willing to speak to them.
--She seems desperate for attention. She demands it or gets it inappropriately.
You have two choices. One is to not babysit her. The other is to 'parent' her consistently to help with these problems. If you choose the second, then you need to spend time with her and let her know that you like her and enjoy her, and that she has special qualities just like your 3 yo does. When she feels secure with you then her behavior will improve. Truthfully, it is the HOME that needs the intervention, not the child, but that is not likely to happen. I feel sorry for this kid. She will probably start school in the fall and will be just one kid in a whole class and will not get the attention she needs.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
she sounds like an average five year old girl
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
This sounds like a child that is recieving minimal attention or is mimicking her mother. You didn't mention how you ended up watching the child. First, I wouldn't so much punish the child because it is quite apparent that she is lacking self esteem. Maybe her parents work to much or are trash, being that you watch the child you have to have some type of relationship with the parents. Also, has this child recently eperianced any type of trauma?. I wouldn't say drop her; perhaps this is what has been happenging to her the entire 5 years of her life. Work with who ever you need to and don't give up on her, our children are in fact our future!
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
lol.... 5 year sexy person... not very... um... normal
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
This is not normal behavior. Children do have normal "natural" sexy behavior It is a learned behavior. Taught to her by those she has been around. I would be concerned with her home life. The aggression is not normal but in fact a cry of help.
You have two choices. Tell her parents you can no longer continue to care for her because of her behavior. I would be very inclined to video her and show the parents her behavior. Tell them that you are concerned about her behavior and would suggest they get help for her.
Or you can continue to care for her and try to help her change. I would be most inclined to still video her and show her parents her behavior and discuss her needs and how you can work with them to get their daughter to act more appropriately. I highly doubt that is going to happen. though. Surely her parents know how she acts and why haven't they tried to control it?
I too feel there is a problem somewhere else beyond the little girl. If this is the parents natural child the problem may be within the home. If she is adopted then it may be from her life before the adoption .
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
have you talked to this kid's parent's? there is only so much you can do as her sitter. you shouldn't be expected to be her parent as well. this girl has some issues. for the sake of your child,pets,home and sanity it may be best to tell her family to make other arrangements for her.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
confront her parents about her actions. sounds like she is spoiled, big time.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
lol. where in the heck is this little girl getting the idea to bat her eyes and shake her tush?? talk to her mom. this girl is young and already heading for trouble.and if you continue to watch her tell her mom to set some ground rules to follow or find another sitter.
Is this normal behavior for a 5 year old?
know this isnt normal behavior maybe u should try cancelling and maybe talking to her parents first to see if the child is being exposed to something or some one doing these things cause thats just not normal.
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